Tuesday 12 November 2013

I'm Feeling Festive!

Ok, ok I can hear it now some of you are not best pleased that I am discussing the dreaded C word already. So if you're of a nervous disposition or you want to avoid all festivities until December feel free to exit stage left.

For everybody else I am really really in the Christmas spirit this year. It could be the sudden chill in the air, the music playing in the shops, the influx of christmas jumpers for all shapes and sizes (hurrah) or the fact that I'm able to get a plus size onesie (double hurrah- don't you judge me they're comfy!!). Either way I've come over all Christmassy. As this is the year that I've also become a bit crafty I've decided to personalise my christmas just a lil bit too. Not as much as my amazing friend Melissa who is a crafting goddess but I'm doing my bit.  Seriously you need to check out her despicable me hats they are adorable: Stitchie Wonder's Blog

Here is your feeling festive starter kit: 
A festive drink in a festive mug- Ok it's not essential but it's fun anyways. The lattes are yummy and well the mug was only €1.49 in Dealz, shur where would you be going!

A Christmas playlist: 
You dont need to fork out your hard earned dosh on some jingles make your own playlist. This is mine: Priscilla's Christmas Playlist. Ok it's not all wonderful but yours will be!! 

A Very stylish Christmas Jumper: 
Last year I was more than a little devastated that I could not get a Christmas jumper for my ample curves. However this year never fear there are heaps of jumpers to choose from. 

One of my clothing favourites New Look have a gorgeous range of novelty jumpers and seasonal tee's. 
For the understated festive you have the Naughty and Nice Jumpers: 

Black (Black) Inspire Black I've Been Naughty Top  | 296714101 | New Look Grey (Grey) Inspire Grey I've Been Nice Top  | 296711704 | New Look

Or you have full on festive fluff , glitter and colour. 
Black (Black) Inspire Black Sequin Christmas Tree Sweater | 291184001 | New LookBlack (Black) Inspire Black Jolly Fluffy Christmas Jumper  | 288363101 | New Look

The tees as always are adorable and I'm a little bit in love with the Totes Amazeballs bauble Tee:
Red (Red) Inspire Red Amazeballs Christmas T-Shirt  | 292690960 | New Look

Are a new fashion favourite of mine. Their size range goes up to a size 36 in some items, their clothes are a little pricier but are worth the extra few euro for a quality, well fitting garment. 
Their Chrissy jumpers are equally adorable and include winter prints for those seeking a more stylish festive jumper. 

My very favourite thing about Yours has to be the range of nightwear they have. More importantly the Onesies. Ok so they arent a favourite with everybody and they are hardly the height of seduction wear, but for those cozy snuggly nights in solo or with the girls they are amazing. Besides you're never too old to have new pjs for christmas morning and what better to wake up in than a cozy festive onesie. If you fancy your nightwear a lil less seasonal there are heaps of other prints to choose from. 

If you're feeling more naughty than nice this festive season, Yours have some pretty pieces to keep you covered - but not too much.

Ok my lovelies I trust you're all feeling suitably festive. I'm off to attempt to create some home made festive sweeties. If they are a success I will post the full details , if not ... well we will say no more.

Pre- Christmas kisses for all


Brief update.

Cupcakes it's been far, far too long since I've wrote to you! 
I could rant and moan about all the stressy things that have been going on and how I've not been feeling quite myself for a while now. I will not do that though, you all have enough of your own problems- well that and the fact that I've had a lil bit of a rant about my anxiety on a new blog that I will be contributing to. http://fe-line.co.uk/ (It's not up yet but it will be soon)

That's right I have graduated from my own pretty little blog to helping out on a fabulous feminist female run blog - It's all very exciting. 
If you'd like to learn a lil more about this fabulous publication just click here. 

While you're there check out all of my new bloggy mates who will be sharing some of their wisdom over the coming months. That and you can check out my mugshot and bio, if your're so inclined.

There's my update now on with the show... be warned I'm feeling festive. :)