Monday 23 September 2013

Inspirational Women!

Today while I was sitting in the rare sunshine I had a bit of a think about all the awesome women I know. It may be the sunshine, it may be hormones or I may have just gone a bit soft and sentimental since returning from Paris but I want to tell you all about some of the Awesome Women in my existence.

My friend Melisa runs Stitchie Wonder, a fabulous home run business. Melissa is passionate about returning to the old school way of 'making your own stuff'. Stitchie Wonder a relatively new business but with every project comes a new idea. Stitchie wonder specialises in custom, handmade soft furnishings and is so considerate of your likes and requirements when making your product. You can tell from the finished product that it has all been made with great love, care and attention to detail. As well as soft furnishings Melissa is a dab hand at making custom collar bandannas for your furry companion. Lilly our mental Lab has two!. Even if you are not sure of what idea or designs you would like she is full of wonderful suggestions and surprises. All her creations are ideal gifts for partners, loved ones and little ones- two and four legged. To accompany her creations Stitchie/ Melissa has a dedicated Facebook page and Blog on which she shares some of her projects and stories along with the new discoveries. She even shares the rare mishaps she encounters. Not to mention all her of amazing giveaways and competitions All this and she also loves people to comment on her pages and Blog with input, idea's and feedback. She is so incredible she even taught me how to knit! That's no mean feat! Don't tell anyone but today I gave serious consideration to purchasing a set of sewing books because I have been inspired to become more crafty - shhhhh.
Her contact details are as follows:
Facebook: Shop:

When I knew Aisling or Ais/ Ginge she was a kick ass youth worker in the Northside Youth Cafe in Moyross. She has worked extensively there as a youth arts facilitator and advocate, within her role as the founder of the Northside Youth Cafe Arts Initiative. Since then Ais has upped sticks and moved on to the big schmoke, err that's Dublin to everyone else. This year alone Aisling produced not one but Three, yes that is Three!! plays for the Dublin Fringe Festival. You'd think all the press appearances and standing ovations would change Ais, but not on your life. She can always be relied on for an aul natter, a laugh and most importantly a glass of  vino. Even a random message out of the blue asking if you can feature her in your new blog post doesn't phase her. I am ever admiring of Aisling's bravery, the ability to pick up and move your entire existence in the pursuit of your bliss is one that I am in complete awe of. 
To Keep Up to Date With the work of the uber talented Aisling and her colaberative company Underscore Productions (who had a sell out show @ the dublin fringe fest with LAMBO) check out:

Doodle Bug Kennelly
Doodle Kennelly is Incredible!! She has published a number of autobiographical essays on the subjects of love, mental illness, anorexia, self-harming, female identity and body image. It was one of these articles which led me to search out the work of Doodle. She is an incredibly frank and honest author who writes in a remarkably real and relate-able way. Doodle is currently writing her memoir and I can honestly say I don't think I have ever been so excited for the release of a book. Doodle is is the very reason why this blog is in existence. She is my inspirational warrior writer woman, personal cheerleader and bearer of unconditional love and support for everything that I do. I am eternally grateful for the love and support she has offered in inspiring me to pursue my goals.
To learn more about this wonderful woman and to see her brilliance for yourself please visit:

Last but very not least is the loverly Niamh Keogh. I met Niamh one upon a time when she was a student on work placement from college. Since then Niamh has volunteered her evenings and weekends supporting the youth clubs and cafes that are run from the Factory Southside Youth Space. Niamh has been put forward as the Limerick Youth Service Nomination for a "Stepping up award" at the Youth Work Ireland Volunteer Achievement Awards. This is a national award to recognize those who have stepped up to the plate and committed their invaluable time and expertise to a project or group. It goes without saying that were it not for Niamh the mainstream side of Youth Work in the factory would not run the way that it does. Fingers crossed for Niamh. :) 

Until next time xoxo 
(All images creatively relocated from Facebook

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